
Dan Schawbel, Future Workplace research director and New York Times best-selling author of Back to Human: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of Isolation

As of February 2018, mobile phone usage in the U.S. stands at a staggering 100% among ages 18-29. Whether by smartphone, tablet or desktop computer, people spend an average of 7.6 hours a day online. With today’s employees embracing such technology, it is important for HR to leverage these tools to engage and maintain a human connection with their workforce. How can corporate cultures utilize tech to forge stronger connections among co-workers and boost productivity?

In this episode of HR Break Room, workplace expert Dan Schawbel joins host Caleb Masters to discuss:

the role HR leaders should own in an age of artificial intelligence and automation how the skills gap forces organizations to rethink employee training and certification using technology to create and foster more human interaction in the workplace workforce trends shaping businesses now and into 2019


To learn more about the bottom-line benefits of developing and upskilling your workforce through online learning, read our white paper, Discover How E-Learning Technology Drives Business Growth.