Weddings, The Al Bhed, and The Dead, Oh My!

HPCritical has created a JRPG club. As a book club would, we chose a video game, and we choose portions of it to progress through as we come together once a month to discuss the title. The first game the JRPG club chose to delve into is Final Fantasy X.

As we continue to make our way through Final Fantasy X, things are definitely heating up. We’re definitely past the halfway point and a ton more has happened. We talk about the Evrae battle, the Seymour battle, the infamous wedding scene, the racism, the new Aeons, and the party on the run. We delve deeper during this segment of JRPG Club into serious story details. The big reveal of what happens to summoners takes place, the forced wedding is stopped, and we become vigilantes.

Join Jerel, Brandon, Stephanie, and Job as they discuss this month’s Final Fantasy X JRPG Club progress. There are so many theories and character discussions to go through, so come check it out, as we discuss from the perspective of JRPG and FFX veterans to newcomers some of whom have never played a JRPG before. Come listen along as our story continues and don’t forget to like and subscribe and give us a rating!



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