1. Choosing: Find a game we want to do a marathon on, sometimes it’s a given other times it requires some user input (Gears of War or Splinter Cell) 2. Planning: Plan a day(s) that work for everyone so that we can film the marathon as smoothly as possible. 3. Filming: Do the marathon and […]

1. Choosing: Find a game we want to do a marathon on, sometimes it’s a given other times it requires some user input (Gears of War or Splinter Cell)

2. Planning: Plan a day(s) that work for everyone so that we can film the marathon as smoothly as possible.

3. Filming: Do the marathon and record it in manageable parts. This is where everything can go wrong causing delays and other problems. It is also the best part for us as we get many hours to play the game.

4. Break: We all go and sleep or something.

5. Editing: Getting the video in a publishable state for uploading to the public.

5. Uploading: Making the video available to the public.

6. Publishing: Creating the proper pages on this site for easy access to all of you.

And thats how you do a marathon in a very basic way.