Previous Episode: Feedback: Improvements

Some of you may have noticed that I have uploaded two high definition test videos to YouTube in order to test the new “fmt=22” format (aka 720P). These tests do not mean that HPAW will be presented in high definition. In fact they pretty much mean the opposite. I have found that processing time is […]

Some of you may have noticed that I have uploaded two high definition test videos to YouTube in order to test the new “fmt=22” format (aka 720P). These tests do not mean that HPAW will be presented in high definition. In fact they pretty much mean the opposite. I have found that processing time is over 4x longer for HD content and the files sizes will be in the multiples of gigabytes. It would likely take over 24 hours to get a video from filming to online if we filmed in HD as opposed to the current 3-5 hours.


In other news the Gears of War Marathon is now back on the server and downloadable in its original WMV format.