Previous Episode: Halo 2 Tournament Video

Well guys once again there is no HPAW this week but we do have a video for you. Remember that Ar4wy guy who brought you Console Wars?(This was made before Console Wars) Well we is also working on a sitcom called Welcome to my World (WtmW) and I am proud to show you guys the […]

Well guys once again there is no HPAW this week but we do have a video for you. Remember that Ar4wy guy who brought you Console Wars?(This was made before Console Wars) Well we is also working on a sitcom called Welcome to my World (WtmW) and I am proud to show you guys the pilot episode.

So how does this link to HPAW? Well for starters Ar4wy has been on HPAW before (Super Smash Bros. Melee). Also our very own Nw Striker is a cast member of the show. The primary setting for the show is the high school that we all attend so enjoy it and welcome to our world.

Thanks goes to Ar4wy Inc. and the cast and crew of WtmW for the creation of this video.