Your credit scores determine a lot more than the loans you can get and the interest rates you pay. Insurers use credit scores to set premiums for auto and homeowners coverage. Landlords use them to decide who gets to rent their apartments. Credit scores determine who gets the best cell phone plans and who has to make bigger deposits to get utilities.

Credit scores are a financial tool, in other words, but whether they’re a lever or a hammer depends on how good they are. 

In this episode, Daniel and Keitoh discuss how to hack the system on ways to improve your credit score. Start here, take notes, and take control of your credit!


Daniel Blue's Book:

B.L.U.E. Print to Your Best Retirement: How to Access Your Retirements Account Penalty and Tax-Free

(Click Here to Purchase)


Through Quest Education, Daniel Blue and Keitoh Spears have helped people all over the country accomplish their financial goals. Do you want to learn how to:

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Follow Keitoh on Instagram: @highkeii

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