Hear how this Super Connector is changing the way start ups and scale ups network with their peers.

In this stellar episode of the How to Spark Success podcast, I’m joined by Chris Caffrey, founder of Legacy Club and AXS Concierge.

Chris and his team are creators of engaging and insightful members events, featuring some of the best business minds in the UK and beyond.


Chris is a passionate supporter of startups and scaleups, trying to change the way we network with our peers.


In this episode, Chris and I talk about:

Mental health and entrepreneurs Building a business from scratch How not every entrepreneur needs to raise capital Why it’s ok to build a lifestyle business

And so much more!

You can connect with Chris here:

Website: www.legacyclub.co.uk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-caffrey-104b7a55/



If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to lead better, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Coach, Speaker & Strategist) at https://www.sparksucceed.co.uk/ or connect with me on LinkedIn on https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-hamlet/

I'm Liz and I help founders, leaders & organisations to lead better so they can build thriving businesses with maximum impact & growth.


I do this in 3 ways:





More about ways to work with me: https://sparksucceed.co.uk/links


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