Do you forget to be human in your content?

If you’ve ever doubted whether you’re focusing on the right things in your content, this is the episode for you.

I’m joined by Joshua B Lee - Nicknamed “The Dopamine Dealer of LinkedIn”

Joshua specialises in Engagement & Influencer Marketing. After building his career in online marketing with clients like MySpace and Google with advertising spends of over half a billion dollar.

He founded Standout Authority in 2014, so he can work with entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals like you to help you humanize your professional or company brand on LinkedIn.

In this episode, we chat about creating content and the one most impactful thing you can do – remembering to be human!

We find out more about what’s been integral to Joshua’s success – and share tips you can implement yourself.

You can connect with Joshua via:

Website LinkedIn Instagram

If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to lead better, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Coach, Speaker & Business Mentor) at or connect with me on LinkedIn on