What does success mean for you?


In this episode I speak to Keith Bird (Head of UK Sales at Telecoms World) about the importance of focusing on the customer, continually learning and being clear on what success means to you.


Listen in to find out:

Why it’s important to KISS (Keep it simple stupid! It's held Keith in good stead and he’s determined to ensure all his clients receive the simplest solution for their requirements) The biggest lesson you can teach your children What success means to Keith How he’s taken his career from amateur junior ballroom dancer to Head of Sales



Connect to Keith on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keith-bird-telecoms/


Find out more about Telecoms World - https://www.telecomsworld.com/

If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to spark your own success, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Success Coach & Business Mentor) at https://www.sparksucceed.co.uk/ or connect with me on LinkedIn on https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-hamlet/