Living our business and personal lives on Zoom, it’s even more important to present yourself with power and presence. Listen in to absolutely crush it on every Zoom meeting – EVERY. SINGLE. TIME

I’m joined by award-winning TV producer, media trainer, and television stylist Kim Foley.

Nobody can deny that image matters and with 2020’s widespread shift to a home-based workforce, presentation has never been more important. Kim is helping everybody from young professionals new to their careers to entrepreneurs and CEOs who know that businesses live and die through impressions.

We talk about Kim’s career - working with high-profile clients including Presidents Barak Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton, late-night hosts Jay Leno and Stephen Colbert.

She has worked for Meet the Press and 60 Minutes as well as shows ABC, NBC, CBS, HBO, MTV, BBC, Lifetime, and The Discovery Channel. And she has coached for the FBI, CIA, IRS, NIH and FDA. 

Listen in to hear:

the ways you’re sabotaging your credibility during video calls. Hidden pitfalls of online meetings that you don’t catch until it’s too late Setting up your call to best effect

Find out more about Kim and her new book - VIRTUAL MEETINGS WITH POWER AND PRESENCE: The Ultimate Guide to Online Meetings -


If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to spark your own success, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Success Coach & Business Mentor) at