Pye Jirsa and his 2 partners run a photography studio in Los Angeles, California. and 


1:00 - how Pye & his partners started their photography studio. They weren’t originally photographers, but fell into it accidentally when a client needed some photos. 


5:00 - Pye talks about how he built up his photography skills, the shoots he does just to build skills, and how many photographers don’t do this. 


8:30 - the team booked gigs off of Craigslist for free or $50 just to build their skills. Pye talks about how they grew their skills by doing these free gigs. 


10:30 - SLR Lounge & Lin & Jirsa photography have about 20 people working for them. They shot 300+ weddings and portrait sessions in 2014. Pye charges $8,000 minimum for a wedding day shoot, and he talks about how he got to that number. How beginning artists undermine their own credibility by trying to charge too much. 


18:30 - how Pye & the team created additional income streams from their art, and how SLR Lounge came into being. 


25:00 - a lot of artists try to run more than one business at a time. This is very difficult to do, and needs to be handled strategically. Unless you have some sort of specific advantage, you can’t build more than one business at a time. 


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