This week on the pod we’re answering your questions! 1 - Should I keep my car payment around in order to boost my credit score? 2 - When does it make sense to replace old light bulbs with new LEDs? 3 - Is it worth disputing my property tax bill? 4 - How can I negotiate a lower APR on my credit cards? 5 - I’m considering joining Lending Club as an alternative way to invest my money- is this a good idea?

And if you have a question for us, we’d love for you to submit your own via

During this episode we enjoyed A Visit to My Crazy Aunt by Insight Brewing- a big thanks to Riley in Minnesota for donating this beer to the show! And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe and give us a quick review in Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts- we’d love to hear from you.

Best friends out!

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