Born in 1987, John Crestani has accomplished a lot in his 32 years. In 2009, Crestani, 21, traveled to Thailand to figure out his direction in life and find himself. During this time, he read a number of spiritual works, such as The Alchemist, that would later influence his life, but his saving grace turned out to be a business book. John was sitting on a beach in Thailand, poor and lost in life, when he opened a book that helped transform him into becoming a motivated and successful internet entrepreneur. This book was The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss, the now classic manual for breaking free from the 9 to 5 workweek desk job by building an online business. After a number of years of trial and error building his internet business, Crestani finally managed to create a multimillion dollar business. He met his wife and traveled the world. He went from deep in debt to having a successful cash flow positive business that supports his life, his wife and their 3-year-old child. As of late, he’s gone on to build an education empire, and now he’s taken it upon himself to teach a handful of aspiring entrepreneurs how they too can transition to the new entrepreneurial economy and be their own boss.