Who gets my stuff when I die? Can I make my friend raise my kid if my husband and I are both dead? I'm kind of obsessing about death lately so I asked my friend, and lawyer, Leslie Sultan to tell me everything she knows about making a will. I make a lot of jokes along the way because talking about death makes me nervous. After all the death chat my husband comes back to talk about a life update. See what I did there? Life after death...anyway. Find out what we're most excited about with our move to California and what we're going to miss the most about living in New York.

Show notes:

Here are the basic components of a will: http://www.aarp.org/money/estate-planning/info-09-2010/ten_things_you_should_know_about_writing_a_will.html  This might help you decide if you need a will or not: http://estate.findlaw.com/wills/what-happens-if-i-die-without-a-will-.html Someone wrote a pretty extensive review of a recent episode of HTGAWP! https://hearthatnoise.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/htgawp-how-do-i-talk-to-my-kid-about-molestation/

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