In this conversation with Virtual Reality Music Video Director, Rob McCarty, we learn all about his work with VR and 360-degree video, the differences between the two and the challenges of working with virtual reality projects.

1) Tell us a bit about your background. (1:14)
2) How did you get into VR? What was your first experience like? (2:13)
3) What’s your favorite VR experience as of today and why? (3:23)
4) For those that are new to 360-degree video, explain how it works? What’s the difference between that and traditional VR? (5:52)
5) Do you add any interactivity in your music videos, or are they straight cinematic vr? Do you see yourself doing this in the future? Does it even make sense to do that in a music video? (7:22)
6) What camera do you recommend (or you prefer to use) for shooting music videos? (11:17)
7) What are some of the challenges when shooting a video in 360-degree? (12:25)
8) What about movement? How do you prevent people from getting sick when they watch your video via an HMD? (20:23)
9) Do you preview your edits in a headset? (22:09)
10) Describe what VR will be like in the year 2025. It can be what you think it will be and/or what you’d like it to be. (24:25)
11) If people want to get a hold of you, how can they do that? (26:25)

Mentioned Links
Gateway VR Showromm

Superhot VR

Drunkn Bar Fight
