My guest today is Alex State, a programmer since the age of 10, his passion for VR took off when he spent hundreds of dollars playing the arcade style Virtuality games in the early 90s. He owns all 3 version of the Oculus Rift and has 2 Vives, the Samsung Odyssey and both versions of the Samsung Gear VR. His VR startup, Slipgate Studios, produces VR games, and is currently working on his 2nd title.

Questions Asked:
- Tell us about your background.
- How did you get into VR as a user? What was your first experience like?
- When did you decide to focus on developing VR?
- What’s your favorite VR experience as of today and why?
- How do you balance both your day job, you night gig and your family life?
- How much investment, both money and time, does it take to create a VR game?
- What’s the recommended balance between being technical and creative for being a successful VR game developer?
- Do you storyboard the game prior to starting the design?
- How do you QA games?
- Are there any programs for QA testing VR games?
- What are the main tools you use?
- Have you done anything with 360-degree video?
- What kind of updates and support do you provide and what’s your process?
- Do you see this as more of a part-time or full-time thing?
- How do you market your VR game?
- Describe what you would like VR to be like in the year 2025.

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