In this episode, Alex May, from Paper Valley VR, talks to us about audio and how to best incorporate it into VR experiences. In our conversation, we cover 3D audio, Spatial Audio and the challenges of creating good audio and music for VR.

Questions Asked:
- Tell us a bit about your background.
- How did you get into VR? What was your first experience like?
- Tell us about Paper Valley. What inspired you guys to create it?
- What was your main role in Paper Valley?
- VR projects seem to be more like movies, especially when it comes to sound design. Can you explain what sound design is and whose role does it belong to in the team?
- How is audio storyboarded within the VR experience?
- How does music affect a VR experience? When should you use (and not use) music?
- How can audio and haptics work together?
- Explain the doppler effect within VR and how can you do this?
- What is Spatial audio and is that different then 3D audio?
- Describe what you would like VR to be like in the year 2025.

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