Clay welcomes the host of The Young Turks newest show Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey, Dr. Richey,  to find out if we can count on our politics to give us the change our country desperately needs.  Fresh off debates with the other side, Dr. Richey shares his take on whether our politicians are up to the challenge of the moment.  Do we need more ideological purity or less?  And can we count on those who lead the country to steer the benefits of government action to those who need it most?  Perhaps we just need to live and let live-- if we still can!
Get more from Dr. Rashad Richey:

TYT’s  Indisputable | Twitter| Website | Beulah Heights University | Rolling Out | CBS 46 | WAOK 


Clay Aiken has sold 6 million albums, authored a New York Times bestseller, and ran for Congress in North Carolina in 2014 almost unseating a popular Republican incumbent.

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