Saliha Muttalib was once the member of a sister gang. She gave it up after a pair of life altering moments and now works alone under the guise of Ghost Pussy. Look, we're gonna unpack all of that this week, but all you really have to know is "Divorce Court" provided a lot more for us to discuss than the execrable "Puppy Love". Who exactly is getting a divorce? DJ and Stephanie. Can sisters get a divorce? No. Should grown men spend their time making foolish Halloween bets and should grown women spend their time filming the results? No. No, no, a thousand and one Arabian no's. But this is how the Tanners operate and at this point we can't really be surprised. Saliha is a joy and we are so glad she came by the official Rude Dude studio. MAKE. SOME. TIME. And pen a positive review for us in the iTunes Store! It won't take but a moment. Get your fingers working, baby!