Season 3 drops in a few short weeks! To get everyone back in the divorce game, we've decided to drop some of our most popular episodes from Season 1.

(cue time travel music)

Today, we're talking about how to find a divorce lawyer. Andrea shares how it all went down when they decided to file and what it was like to find an attorney. It's overwhelming and emotional but we can help and make it less scary. What we talk about in this episode:

How to find a divorce attorney

What questions to ask a divorce attorney or a divorce lawyer

Where do you find a divorce lawyer or attorney

Should you google "tough divorce lawyer"

How do you vet a divorce lawyer or divorce attorney

What steps do you need to take if you don't have a financial advisor

How much do divorce lawyers charge and what's included

What is a divorce mediator


This is a lot but we promise you, we make it easy to digest and we'll make you laugh. Be sure to stay until the end for our favorite segment - wild divorce stories that are a hilarious lesson on what NOT to do.


Be sure to hit follow so you don't miss Season 3!