We’re fortunate to live in a community with many great small businesses whose owners are willing to share their experience.

Today we wanted to bring on one of those people to provide some inspiration and help motivate anyone that aspires to start a business. Ken Gwyn is the CEO at Bulldog Group, which has its corporate offices in downtown Winston-Salem, and has learned a lot over the course of three decades.

Our goal for the show is to get some of his insight on running and growing a business since he’s seen his company grow from one roofing business with $750k in volume to a group of businesses with 10 times that amount. We’ll talk to him about how the Bulldog Group came about and what key events early in his career helped jumpstart the business.

A couple of the key challenges owners face is finding the right people to help the business grow and then trusting them to enough to give yourself enough work-life balance.  Gwyn has faced these same issues but will share the ways he aims to improve these areas.

Of course we’ll get into financial discussion as well because it’s something he’s passionate about as well. Not only does he strive to continue reinvesting in the business, but he’s had success in real estate and will tell you about his approach to investing.

And finally, we wanted to hear Gwyn’s vision on the future of Winston-Salem. What growth does he envision? Where are we headed as a city?

Overall, there’s a lot to takeaway from this episode and we hope you feel the same. Thanks again to Gwyn for taking the time out to join us on the podcast.

Thanks for listening to this episode. We’ll be back again next week for another show.


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Today's show schedule: 

0:27 – Today we’re joined by Ken Gwyn.

1:46 – Tell us about the Bulldog Group

2:22 – A few big events helped kickstart the business

3:26 – How he grew the business

4:52 – How he finds and trains new associates.

7:46 – What money lessons has he learned?

9:43 – The annuity calculator

10:51 – A strategy Ken is using to pay down his mortgage.

13:42 – Tell us about your family.

14:51 - How do you balance work and family?

16:22 – Is it difficult to bring family into the business?

17:08 – Where do you see the growth in Winston-Salem?

18:46 – What is retirement going to look like for you?