Carter (@carterthecomic) and Stephanie (@stephr_wong) are back this week on "How I Launched This: A SaaS Story", speaking with Olea Edge Analytics CEO Dave Mackie. Olea is a company using cutting-edge technology to help utility companies optimize water usage, prevent water waste, and more efficiently generate revenue.

We start the show as Dave Mackie, CEO, tells the creation story of Olea. Dave and his team observed high percentages of commercial water meters that were not working correctly and set out to fix the problem. Using a sensor array and edge computing platform, the Olea system monitors water meters, identifying both functioning and malfunctioning meters. The system can then pinpoint problems in malfunctioning meters, enabling fast, efficient repairs and maximum revenue for utility companies. Dave explains how this benefits utility customers as well, citing examples from early Olea trials in Atlanta.

Dave talks technology later in the episode, elaborating on Olea's creation of sensors and their perfecting of a true edge computing process to send analysed data to customers. Olea is now working towards pressure sensors and leak detection to expand utility company revenue retention and further minimize water waste. 

Frank Kaplan, VP of Sales, details the conservation implications of Olea devices and how utility companies can use them to address water management issues like scarcity and waste.

We wrap up the episode talking about the future of Olea and how they hope to continue to improve the water utility industry. Dave also offers up some great advice for other SaaS companies.

Episode Links:
Olea Edge Analytics
Edge TPU
Google Maps Platform
Google Maps Platform: Routes