We're back with How I Launched This: A SaaS story! This week, Stephanie Wong (@stephr_wong) talks with Alvin Richards about Redis Labs, a company optimizing the Redis open source in-memory database system to build better managed tools for enterprise clients.

Alvin begins the show describing how his love of solving complex development problems and great people skills have put him in a unique position to act as intermediary between engineers and clients, gaining insights into real-world problems and how to solve them. Looking to the future, Alvin's team also anticipates client needs, creating database products that will continue to help clients as their projects evolve.

Later in the show, Alvin describes how the Redis system built in the cloud was reworked to also provide on-prem offerings. We learn how Redis Labs was able to fill a gap in the market by offering a database product that both developers and clients could understand, adapt, and use. Alvin introduces us to other Redis Labs products, including Redis for Enterprise which allows tiering between memory forms, in-memory caching, scaling, and more for a flexible database experience.

We wrap up the show with a discussion of what it's like coordinating the development of such a large open source project and why Redis Labs supports open source. Alvin offers advice to other companies, stressing the importance of building solutions with both the creator and client in mind and educating clients and developers to use the software effectively. We talk about the future of open source in SaaS companies and how important it will be for scaling SaaS technology. Alvin concludes by encouraging everyone to ultimately find joy in what they do.

Episode Links:

Redis Labs
Redis University