We are very pleased to present the VIDEO version of our 1st “How China Works LIVE!” event, recorded at The Bookworm in Beijing, China on August 20, 2019. Businesswoman, artist manager, & filmmaker Fu Han presents her documentary “Isabel Crook: Childhood Memories From Bailuding” and then we interview her for our show, along with guest Mark Levine, with whom she performs two songs, & surprise guest Isabel Crook herself! You can also find the audio-only version of this show as Episode 068, but this version includes not only the interviews and performances but also the complete documentary. Enjoy! 

Special thanks to Ian McMath and Reina Lynn of North Capitol Productions 北都制片, Aladin Farré of The Middle Earth Podcast, & David Cantalupo of The Bookworm!

LINKS: https://www.howchinaworkspodcast.com/resources
