Our shared human civilization is much more intriguing, much deeper and more complex than was previously imagined. China’s modern reimagining of the historic Silk Roads through its Belt and Road Initiative reveals remarkably deep connections between Asia and Europe and, even more profoundly, deep sub-strata of ancient civilizations which cooperated dynamically with each other – in what was, in fact, a community of shared humanity. In this HCW episode with Prof. Don Lewis, we discuss the three ancient civilization zones of China, India, and Southeast Asia – and a fourth civilization zone in the Mediterranean. These were the true cradles of human civilization. The civilizations interacted freely and constructively with each other – engaging in trade – while also sharing ideas, culture, philosophy and religion, arts and sciences, as well as technology. Like the modern Belt and Road Initiative, such ancient interactions occurred along established trade and transport corridors – including by rivers, roads, and sea routes. The open cooperation which was a defining hallmark of our original civilizations offers the hope and promise of a peaceful and prosperous future for all humankind – with the three civilizations of Asia, in particular, acting as torchbearers lighting the way.

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