On Thursday's Houston Matters: Mayor Sylvester Turner has issued an executive order requiring unvaccinated city employees to get bimonthly COVID-19 tests and report results to the city. We hear about that and other happenings in City Council from News 88.7's Jen Rice.

Then, as the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks approaches, we explore how those events affected Houstonians.

We devote most of the hour to memories from Houstonians of that day, a conversation with Houstonians from different generations about how they perceive that event and its impact, and a discussion about the impact it’s had on American Muslims as illustrated in a new book for middle school kids by local writer Saadia Faruqi called, Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero.

LISTEN: How 9/11 Affected Houston – Pt. 2 (Sept. 10, 2021)

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