l was a First Responder during the Northridge earthquake in 1994 - Los Angeles California. At that time I was an LAPD cop and it was a horrible time for those residents that lost everything. I know earthquakes are horrible, but the aftermath of a flood is even worse. Earthquakes are done - aftershocks happen, but there aren't typically waters that have to receed and usually mold forming is not an issue. 

An interesting event to be certain. Imagine all of the in process real estate transactions that were haulted. I wasn't in real estate when the Northridge quake hit. However, when the market fell back in 2006 and when we have the wildfires - real estate haulted. 

Banks, those who were in process with lending money, stopped. Insurance companies, those who were insuring the newly purchased properties, stopped. We had many home buyers and sellers, even who weren't directly affected by the natural disaster, who had their real estate transactions put on hold, in some cases for months.

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Everyone needed to take a breath to see what was going to happen next. 

I'm Connor MacIvor, my heart goes out to all of those who are suffering as a result of the Hurricane which hit Texas. There is another closing in on Florida as I type this. Be safe - be well and if you can contribute to those Texas Relief Efforts, in person or by monetary compensation - please do.