HousingRadio.com Transcription Start:

(this transcription has been completed by computer - it's not great, but gives the gist of the show. listen to today's real estate broadcast to get the full expansiveness :) )

ValenciaRealtor: 00:00 Good everybody, Connor, MacIvor here. Welcome to housingradio.com. We did take a few siesta moments to at least some of the radio show yesterday. Got a couple of calls and list properties out in Castaic CA. Stick at, of course, helping you folks comes before any radio show. How's the radio.com, the longest running podcast slash radio show here in Santa Clarita Valley? I remember when the owner of the local station out here hit me up a while back to put together some kind of a format and now they have lenders taking over, which I think is best. I want to focus on one thing and one thing only and that's protecting and serving my real estate clients above and beyond all else without any other special interest or anything, so that's number one. So I don't want to be having to use particular lenders or first certain lenders.