Around the State

General Assembly 

House Bill 1200 remains stalled NCHC will keep members posted about HB 1200 on actions to ensure HB1200’s passage

Elizabeth City receives waiver from statewide utility shutoff moratorium

Regional news coverage about the potential for a wave of evictions:


U.S. House passes Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2)

HUD Proposed Rule Modification on Transgender Protections

IRS Publishes COVID-19 Guidance on Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Notice 2020-53

Contact U.S. Senators about urgent need for additional housing relief and resources:



Children’s Defense Fund - “Housing Is a Racial Justice Crisis: Solutions for Children and Families During COVID and Beyond”

Urban Institute - To Understand a City’s Pace of Gentrification, Look at Its Housing Supply



Emily Cadik, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition

[email protected]