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In the Elon X era, no article ever goes viral. At least that’s what I used to think. But now, of late, articles in New York Magazine and The Cut have broken through as a sort of rage bait. To assess what’s going on, we’ve called in honest and trenchant culture writer Kat Rosenfield. Topics include but aren’t limited to…

* Pre mourning your old dog

* Getting “serious” with your significant other early

* The Andrew Huberman cover story in NY Mag

* How the Huberman story, while well written, fails to hit its target

* It’s hard to publicly shame a man over having six girlfriends

* Kat’s piece on how nobody cares about the Christine Blasey Ford memoir

* The weirdness of the Brett Kavanaugh moment

* Journalists taking out high school resentments on public figures

* I’m “ethnically liberal”