Attorney Tom Mesereau is an unconventional, unpredictable trial lawyer. His accomplishments in the courtroom are extraordinary and unprecedented. He wins white-collar and non-white-collar trials in federal and state courts. For information on Mr. Mesereau's unconventional trial tactics, read the following articles by Mr. Mesereau: "Random Thoughts on Trial Practice” American Journal of Trial Advocacy 31:1 (Summer 2007): 115-135; “Lights, Camera, Objection!” The American Trial Lawyer Fall 2008; and “Defender Legendary for Second Sight, Sixth Sense” Los Angeles Daily Journal, December 5, 2006.

(Also read, Defending Michael, Daily Journal, July 1st, 2009.)


Mr. Mesereau is best known for acquitting the late Michael Jackson in his world famous trial in Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Jackson was acquitted of all 14 charges in a child molestation indictment. Mr. Mesereau, as Mr. Jackson's lead trial counsel, conducted jury selection, opening statement, closing argument, and examined and cross-examined every major witness in the five and half month trial. But Mr. Mesereau has accomplished far more than the Michael Jackson case.

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