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Jamila shares her incredible FI Journey today.  What's so amazing about her story is that it began as a little girl immigrating to the United States with her mom, who was a single mother.  She learned valuable lessons from her mom and grandmother that later translated into becoming a life-long learner.  Out of college Jamila bought her first house at age 22, still one of the best financial decisions she's ever made. 

Later she found the Financial Independence movement, which opened up to her a Whole New World of possibilities.  This new knowledge of what was possible, sparked in her a desire to cut spending and save like never before.  In just two years she and her Husband were able to save over $168,000.00 by diligently using pre-tax investment vehicles and low cost index funds. As she chronicled her journey - her passion project became a side-hustle that has grown into the widely successful podcast, Journey to Launch.  Jamila's story is simply inspiring and full of examples you can implement in your own journey! 

Some of the resources Jamila used along the way include: 

Mr. Money Mustache

The Mad Fientist

Personal Capital 


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