Welcome to our house! We are glad you are here.  Today we are chatting with Naseema McElroy of Financially Intentional.  Naseema is a busy single mom as well as labor and delivery nurse - she was once drowning in debt but decided to take control, change her mindset and turn things around.  By doing so she was able to eliminate almost one million dollars of debt in under three years. Ah-mazing!

Her story is incredibly inspiring and we know you will learn some invaluable insight from her. Come on in!

If you are interested in joining Naseema's live training, you can do that here. 

On the show you may have heard us mention several other blogs and/or podcasts, they can be found here: 


chooseFI.com (with Brad and Jonathan)

journeytolaunch.com (by Jamila Souffrant) 

Our current favorite read is:  Kids Money Habits, but Amy Koit 

If you would like the opportunity to win Amy's book, simply leave us a review.  For every five reviews we will pick a listener to receive a copy.  Don't forget to email us with your screen name to let us know you have left us a review. 

Thank you for joining us! We'll see you here at our house, next week!