What an incredible year it has been. We started a podcast ya'all! We can barely believe it ourselves. What motivated two busy moms, with nine kids between them, with no training or experience to step outside their comfort zone? Well, we both saw a need. We saw a void in the FIRE movement. What we saw lacking was a voice and sufficient resources for moms and dads who were on their journey to FI. But not just traditional moms an dads - the full spectrum of parenthood. So we decided to do something about it!

We launched our show in August of 2018, but prior to launching there were eight months of preparation behind the scenes. Not just interviewing people, but learning equipment, working out kinks, figuring out how to edit. It was more work than we could have ever anticipated, which was probably a good thing, because had we know the level of difficulty when we started, we may never have begun.

Our Vision

Some of you may not know this, but we did all of this while getting to know one another. Timika and I were strangers one year ago. We knew each other's names from a common facebook group, but that was the extent of it. But there was a common desire - we wanted to help others and it was this common ground that has been fertile soil for not just this podcast partnership, but an amazing friendship.

We Could Not Have Done This Without You!

We have had some great guests on the show. They have been so gracious in agreeing to come on a show that was growing. Without them, there would be no show. So, to all of our guests, many who have become fast friends, we send a big HUGE virtual hug. We love you guys and are so thankful to know you.

Your money advice has been are some of the highlights.

10 BEST Money Lessons of 2018

And to our are simply the BEST. You have helped us grow and have truly humbled us. We seriously began this journey having NO IDEA what we were doing. But, we knew there was a need and we knew that as two busy moms, with careers, and all the stuff that comes with running a household - that if we could bring on guests that would help OUR financial independence journey - they would help yours too! So, thank you for stopping by our house; we're glad you were here. Our house is your house.

Top 100....whaaaat?!?!

Because of your support, we have reached some pretty big goals.

TOP 20% OF ALL PODCASTS. (Whaaat! That is just amazing guys.) We have been in the top 100 of two of our categories, business and investing several  times Our weekly listeners have grown more than 10 times since we first started

We reached 11,000 downloads in November in record time ....we can't wait to update you when we reach 25,000.

Our commitment to you is to continue to bring on guests that serve your needs and to provide inspiration and practical tools to blow your 2019 Money Goals out of the water! We'd love to help you do that...

If you would like to be part of our 2019 Money Coaching Program, shoot us a PM on Facebook, email us at [email protected], or send us a message via our contact page and simply let us know you want in! We are taking pre-registrations now.


One of our favorite questions we have asked our listeners this year is to ask what they are reading. Who doesn’t love a good read, right? Especially this time of year when we can cozy up under a blanket.  

You would think a bunch of Money Nerds would only be reading a bunch of financial books, WRONG. Lots of interesting picks in the mix, including a couple written by our amazing guests.

The Hole in Our Gospel

Profit First

Total Money Makeover


Cruise Confidential

Money Letters 2 My Daughter

Spinning Silver

Naked and Unashamed

Wendy and Timika Have Their Own Picks

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Profit First

and, The Next Millionaire Next Door