Popcorn and Finance

I guess you could call me boring, but my favorite type of popcorn is totally movie butter with salt!  Why am I telling you all this? Well, today’s House of FI guest is Chris Browning of the awesome show Popcorn Finance!  The theme of his show is discussing finance in about the time it takes to make a bag of popcorn. The show is quick and you can get through a bunch of episodes on a commute to work, which makes it a nice choice to add to your rotation.  


Today in the episode we talked to the man behind the mic, Chris Browning, a finance and accounting professional that loved educating others about money.  Some interesting facts about Chris include that he started college as an Art Major due to his love of Dragon Ball-Z as a child.  When Chris made it to college, things changed.  For a few reasons, he decided not to stick with Art as a major, but his art skills continued to develop. 


This is a concept that I talk about often in my posts and discussions on the Talent Stack, so it was awesome to see it clearly in his experience.  So, how does Talent Stacking play a roll in Chris' podcasting business?  Well, he designs the graphics and website for much if not all of Popcorn Finance!  He is awesome at design and it shows.  

The takeaway for YOU, House of FI, is definitely to use the talent stack you have cultivated to this point to pursue the stuff you love.  Combining his art skills with his finance degree has led to a very successful and fun themed podcast.  What could your talent stack lead to for you?

Sign up for the 50 Side Hustle Idea Guide here if you are looking to put your own talents to work! 

Chris' Big Personal Finance Mistake

So, when you major in finance, you never make personal finance mistakes, right?  Not so fast - we have heard it time and again that people in accounting, finance, banking, the credit industry, fall into the same financial traps as everyone else because of the lack of financial education. Chris was no exception.  

We take a deep dive into the stressful pressure Chris felt with he realized the true weight of the debt he and his wife found themselves under.  

Listen to find out how they got rid of the debt, AND the method they use to this day that KEEPS THEM OUT OF THE DEBT.  

College For Free!?!

It's arguably the Holy Grail of the FI world:  Going to college without student loan debt!  We all know the story of how Wendy and I took on major student loan debt in order to secure our employment in Law, Nursing and Accounting.  If you don't remember our stories, you can hear Wendy's here and mine here.  What a different time we would have right now had we avoided the 6 figures in student loan debt?  Well, Chris was smart and or lucky enough to do just that.  Listen to his episode to find out how he made his way through undergrad without student loan debt to speak of by listening to his episode.  


Chris Browning on the Final Questions: Buy something that is more quality than cheap so that it lasts.  His most recent purchase - mobile podcast gear such as zoom h6 - can record on a sd card but can add 6 mics.   It’s your money, you don’t have to impress everyone.  Nice cars, fancy restaurants, big house - you don’t have to impress anyone - you are both ending up outspending each other to impress each other - endless cycle. Live within your means, at the end of the day you will have what’s in your bank account. The BEST way to find Chris?  popcornfinance.com  


Stay Tuned For Our Next Episode…


What is something you learned about developing a talent stack like Chris’ today? Let us know in the comment section below or continue the discussion in Our Facebook Group!

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If you’d like to be a guest on the show, please contact us on HouseOfFi.com