If you have been in the FIRE movement for any amount of time, the sooner you realize this one fact, the better off you will be. 


We are.  We - the collective we - the FIRE community - are weird.  We are going against the grain.  We are a counter-culture. People will not understand us.  We will be judged. Misunderstood.  

And that's totally OK.  

Let's all be weird together.  We are all in the same Arena.  

Those who have never stepped foot in the arena, who are not willing to do things differently, will never reap the rewards either. 

There are a few things you can do when you are feeling judged and rejected for your financial choices. 

You don't need to share your journey with everyone.  Particularly those that will not understand or who are not ready to hear it. 

Secondly, community is important.  Surround yourself with like-minded people.  Join a Facebook group. Join a local FI meetup. 

You can join our group here. 

Do you have a side hustle?  Please call in and let us know about it. 

Finally, we have a seven-step money foundations course, it's FREE, and its to lay a solid financial foundation.