Minotaur Sound with Catchi radio show on Foam Radio 29-08-20 Catchi with a Dark Water schneckno mix in the first hour and then Cycle 13 for 1 hour of melodic, progressive goodness.

Catchi Playlist:

Stargazer - Mark Knopfler


Counters The Intuitive - Namer of Things

Endzeit - Anselmus

Kasbah De Tarouriert (Señora Remix) - Nhii


PHUEXE - Die Goldamsel

Hülshoff & Rheinländer - Colima Leveldva

Denic (Lukas Endhardt Acid Reflux)- HAFT

Nohra - Deep Ändi

Springtank - Namer Of Things

Everything at Once - Sunda Arc

Down by Lake - Landhouse & Raddantze

Data Religion - Robot Koch

ITHOM.D - Isis Moray

Cycle 13 Playlist:

1. Ayvind - FA nvind

2. Echonomist - Planeless Sky

3. Noraj Cue - Watching You

4. Hannes Berger - Ashes

5. AFFKT - Penjoll

6. Echonomist - Belfast Sun

7. Sky Civilian - Floating in a Dream

8. Kaytronik - Love Me

9. Ruede Hagelstein - Dort

10. Echonomist - Andalucia

11. Sasha - Siren Chords