Previous Episode: 145- 2017 Wrap-up Part 1

On this episode of the House By The Video Store podcast we wrap-up our thoughts on 2017 and give out some HBTVS awards. This is part 2 of 2, which includes our favorite television show and horror movie of 2017, as well as a look forward to 2018 movies. The topics covered are included in the notes below. Have any feedback for us or questions or corrections? Send us an email at [email protected] or leave a comment!


The categories discussed for our awards are included below with all of the eligible shows and movies.

Best Television Show- Our favorite television show of 2017. The contenders include: Twin Peaks, Stranger Things 2, Mindhunter, Black Mirror season 4

HBTVS Favorite Horror Movie of the Year- Our favorite horror movie of 2017 (taking into account that we did not see every release). The contenders include: Get Out, Split, IT, Better Watch Out, Raw, It Comes At Night, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Gerald’s Game, 1922, Killing Ground, Annabelle Creation