Superannuation has the potential to become a powerful tax haven and wealth creator for Australians, if handled well.


Investment expert Andrew Courtney of Plenitude Wealth says many Australians, however, fall into the trap of being asset rich and cashflow poor with their investments. But he says it’s possible to transition from active income (salary) to portfolio income (earning from your portfolio of investments, including real estate). “Instead of trading your time for money, get your money to start working for you,” he says.

Courtney says people who …

 start early with a SMSF,

 set targets and milestones,

 exploit the available borrowing capacity,

 properly apply the tax benefits, and

 acquire good property …

… can achieve results that out-perform most of the population. Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder and Andrew Courtney of Plenitude Wealth recently conducted a lunch and learn webinar on the 25th of October 2023 Catch the full replay today.