If you are planning to invest in property in 2020 you need to start getting the data you need to make the best of the current market opportunities.

The Ryder Report gives you a general overview of Australia's property markets and the current factors at play, as well as a state-by-state analysis of specific capital and regional markets. Get your copy today.

The December 2019 edition is out now.

In this issue:- Editorial - Price Growth Prospects Look Good For Multiple Markets In 2020 Feature Article - Apartment Markets In The Biggest Cities Likely To Surge In 2020 Prices & Rents Summary - Confusion Reigns Amid Conflicting Price Data For The Capital Cities We report on featured markets with both affordability and growth We provide tips on how to advance as property investors. In our War in Misinformation I point out the latest media misrepresentations. We provide a state-by-state analysis of key events in real estate.