Most Australians who invest in real estate fail to achieve their goal of creating a large and
sustainable property portfolio.

Over two million Australians own an investment property but 70% of them have just one
property and another 18% have two. That’s nine out of ten with just one or two properties.
Those who own five or more are less than 1% of the total.

And here’s why so many fail to achieve great success: they're herd animals.

They lack the ability and mindset to think and act independently.

That “less than 1%” who have a portfolio and a decent crack at success with property
investment? They’re the people, the minority of people, who have a plan and are willing to
invest in information and advice to make good decisions – and generally are able to take
action where most people are adopting a “wait and see” approach.

They accumulate good real estate assets and keep them. They make their next purchase when
they’re ready to add to their portfolios, regardless of public sentiment or the tone of media or
the trend with interest rates or the (alleged) state of the market.

The successful investor thinks and acts regardless of all that white noise in the background.