Regional Victoria continues to be an outstanding performer on price growth, although the sales activity data suggests that some locations have passed their peak.

Regional Victoria has been a strong growth market for past two years – and some of the key locations, like Geelong and Ballarat, have been growth markets for 3-4 years – so it’s not surprising that the markets which have strong for longest are now fading a little.

On the other hand, many locations throughout Regional Victoria stepped on to the growth path only in the past year and still have plenty of uplift still to come.

Meanwhile, Regional Victoria continues to be one of Australia’s outstanding performers on price growth.

Of the 142 locations included in our recent price analysis, only two have failed to record annual growth in their median house prices. Only three have failed to deliver increases in the most recent quarter.

Of the 140 suburbs and towns which had median house price rises in the past year, 137 have grown by 5% or more – and 48 have grown by 20% or more (compared to 25 suburbs in Melbourne with that level of house price growth).

So, in that regard, Regional Victoria is outperforming Melbourne.

Against this background, we have published our new edition of our popular report, Top 5 Regional Victoria Hotspots.

This report is essential reading for anyone planning their investment decisions for the coming year as it provides research-based evidence of the markets we expect to do well in 2022 and beyond.

Get a copy of our new Top 5 Victoria Hotspots report.