For several years now, regional markets have been out-performing capital city markets on buyer demand and price growth.

According to the data from many different research sources, the regions have been the big achievers in Australian residential property.

The trend we call The Exodus to Affordable Lifestyle has been under way for much of the past decade and this has been reflected in price data for several years.

In 2020, the combined capital cities rose less than 3% while the combined regions increased more than 7%. In 2021, the combined capital cities rose 23% but the combined regions rose 26%. In 2022 to date, the capital cities have dropped 3.2% but the regions have risen 6.4%.

One of locations which has been at the forefront of this trend of out-performance by markets outside of the big cities, has been Regional Victoria.

Our new Top 5 Victoria Regional Hotspots report is essential reading for anyone planning their investment decisions, as it provides research-based evidence of the markets we expect to do well through 2023 and beyond.