Many economists and media commentators are desperate to be the first to call the end of the boom and to predict that property prices will crash.

That’s why we’ve had widespread claims that the property boom is over, at different times, since the beginning of the last year – only to be proven wrong in each case by the publication of subsequent data.

As soon as there is any uncertainty or disruption in the Australian economy or the world, the doomsday forecasters come out of the woodwork telling us that it’s a prelude to property prices collapsing.

Right now, we have a cacophony of the usual suspects telling us prices will dive because there’s economic disruption from events both here and globally.

This sort of knee-jerk analysis is not based on any expertise, or research analysis, or even a simple examination of what has happened in the past during times of economic disruption.

So those doomsday forecasters will be, yet again, proven wrong.