THE Prime Minister may like to say he is helping those who can’t find a place to rent by helping Australians BUY a property, but from my point of view both the Federal Government and the Federal Opposition are yet to grasp just how enormous the rental crisis is in Australia.

There has been nothing in recent weeks which shows me that any of our Federal Politicians have any awareness of just how big a problem it is for everyday Australians.

Neither of the major parties has announced anything to support those many Australians caught up in the rental crisis and in fact there has been very little to address housing affordability in a meaningful way either.

Yes, there was the announcement that the Home Loan Deposit scheme would be expanded for three years to make it a little easier for First Home Buyers to get into the market, once they have saved a deposit of 5%, but that still doesn’t do anything about the ever-growing cost of housing.

Some analysts claim it makes it worse.