Andrew Courtney of Plenitude Wealth is an acknowledged expert on "The Doubling Game".
He explains it like this: "If you start off with $1,000 and double it 10 times you get to $1 million. Double it 10 more times you get to $1 billion. In other words, if you could double your net assets 20 times you would be a billionaire."

Courtney joined Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder on Wednesday 9 November to explain how "The Doubling Game" works and how real estate investment can accelerate the process.

"It's all about how fast you can double," he says. "The challenge, as you move along the cycles, is that it becomes harder and harder to speed up the process."
Achieving this level of wealth is impossible unless you're an investor.
"Ideally, you want a scalable business and you need to be an investor as well. Real estate can be central to the process.

"Depending on where you are in the game and how much time you have, this will determine how much real estate comes into play."

In the webinar they discussed the level of capital you need, to achieve the income you need, to create the lifestyle that you want.

Those who register for this webinar will receive a free workbook on "The Doubling Game" process.