The property market has seen a dramatic turnaround following a COVID-19 induced downturn in 2020. How long will this next boom last? And what is driving the market?

In this live webinar we will be discussing a range of locations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Newcastle that investors should consider for their next investment. We will also be looking at the drivers in the economy and uncover the potential pitfalls that could wobble the property market.

Multi-award-winning Buyers’ Agent Rich Harvey, CEO of Propertybuyer and respected researcher and commentator Terry Ryder Founder of reviewed a range of topics that you must hear.

They discussed:

• Are we at the start of another property boom? • How should buyers approach a rising market?

• What will transpire after March, once job-keeper finishes?

• Where should I be investing for the best capital growth and cashflow yields?

• What trends has covid set in motion that will continue well into the future? • When will listing volumes start to rise – what is holding vendors back?

• What impact have expats returning had on the property market? • Is the exodus to affordable lifestyle going to continue once the vaccine is in place? • Is now a good time for investors?