00:00:00 Intro // Travis's spicy G2 tweet 00:20:40 How HLL works  00:24:10 labudamike's take: The gap between EU and NA is bigger than the gap between EU and KR 00:35:50 Break 00:38:00 Raz believes that this is the first Worlds where its hard to predict the winner  00:52:05 BarBarJonks thinks that CodySun is the second best adc in NA and the only other NA adc that is Worlds caliber  01:03:00 Juffy's take: TSM getting rid of Bjergsen would be the worst possible decision if TSM intends on winning anything in the next few years  01:25:06 Break 01:27:12 Skips35's prediction CG will get eliminated in play-ins and Huni will sign with Griffin after Worlds  01:35:49 (volume warning) kon believes that TSM losing gauntlet will help the LCS moving forward 01:49:35 hiesendinger's take: The hype surrounding every team will build narratives that will help sell the game in a way we wont ever have again it will be Riot's last chance to seriously monetize LoL  01:59:07 Dr Manhattan's prediction for the Dade award  02:07:05 Outro