00:00:00 Intro 00:10:55 lilchester27 says EG is a top laner away from competing with C9 this Summer. 00:25:12 MianBao thinks it's time TSM signs a blank check to Xmithie. 00:34:36 Rico Suave predicts TSM won't improve this split due to clashing egos. 00:46:48 Check out our Alienware deals!! 00:48:33 Warden makes a prediction: IMT Kobbe. 01:04:25 A Hobbit believes MSI being cancelled is actually good for the LCS/C9. 01:22:52 Dodo/Doublelift discussion 01:44:23 skips35 predicts Huni to LPL next. 01:50:05 Truz says Kobbe was a big problem for TSM; DL fixes that.