00:00:00 Intro 00:14:01 Enigma's take: With no changes to dragons and the huge power that mythic items give I think even more pro games will feel like they done at ten minutes and we are just waiting for the ahead team to end and so it may make viewing more boring 00:22:25 Raz calls in to talk dRaMa 00:28:23 Community wants to talk about Perkz's recent comments saying that a lot of "coaches steal paychecks" and that only ex pros can be good coaches 00:48:03 Bluejay returns to chat about TSM's seemingly disastrous off-season 01:04:00 Alienware break! 01:07:54 GorRok's take: I dont know if NA will ever get better given how far behind our pipeline is compared to other leagues, even if its been getting better with the new format changes for academy 01:21:51 MrDongStrong's take: With both Doublelift and Bjergsen retiring, the record for the most individual LCS titles will not be broken for at least another 25 years 01:35:47 Prongs99's take: the top 3 teams in the league being so strong will make the bottom of the league look really weak. 01:48:56 NakoV's take: CLG would have been a top tier team if HotshotGG was still a very top decision maker in CLG like Regi in TSM 02:04:05 Nicole calls back to discuss women in gaming 02:26:22 Outro